
If You Like Lots of SOLID Opportunities to Make Money In Trading Forex While Trading in Only 5 Minutes a Day then You’re Going to Like STACKERS SNAPS2.1

STACK That Cash Flow!

We’ve designed STACKERS “SNAPS”v2.1 to fit a trading psychology that craves action and loves hearing the cash register ring.  But the same personality who like’s hearing that “cash register ring” likes watching their account size grow and grow and grow…

STACKERS SNAPS2.1 Provides exacts entries exits and profit targets that are quickly achievable.  Profit targets are usually hit between 1 to 7 trading days.  You get the actual target you preset to automatically take profits.


This is a solid Forex trading system and is another good system to continually run with one position size or another.  Remember that you don’t have to try and only run one system.  If stock investing would you only invest in one stock?  Usually not.  You would usually diversify right?  Well why not diversify with Forex trading systems?  Then over time focus on the ones that work out best for you.

  • Trades in 5 minutes or less per night, after the close
  • You set your entry (buy or sell stop to enter), stop loss and profit taking exit all at once
  • Then you just wait to collect your cash.
  • If you stop out then you look to see if your next pip making opportunity has arrived and place the trade.
  • That’s it!  Just enjoy a potential extra stream of cash flow from there.

Let’s look at some number examples:

Let’s say you trade just EURUSD.  Now the performance results were done in a very slow price moving market which was 2013 in EURSD.  The point is that when the markets speed up (i.e.2008 being an ultimate example) the potential is there to make far more pips.

But let’s just say you averaged 2439 pips a year just trading the EURUSD. Let’s just say you assigned one standard lot to it.  So that lot brings in roughly $10 per pip.  With 2439 pips we see a $24,390 profit. So for fun what if we kept trading the system for a full 5 minutes of work a day or less for the next 10 years adding another contract each year?

  1. Year 1: $24,390
  2. Year 2: $48,780
  3. Year 3: $73,170
  4. Year 4: $97,560
  5. Year 5: $121,950
  6. Year 6: $146,340
  7. Year 7: $170,730
  8. Year 8: $195,120
  9. Year 9: $219,510
  10. Year 10: $243,900

Total profit combined = $1,341,450 for just trading one contract on the side while adding one additional contract per year. I did this exercise to give you perspective of the importance of running a solid system over time.  Most people never build wealth because they want it all NOW.   That’s a big mistake.

So time to increase your wealth building wisdom and put this system in addition to several other Forex trading systems to work for you over time. STACKERS SNAPS2.1 can give you that potential additional steady stream of cash flow, building up your FX accounts.

Well firstly with a normal money management system you would end up adding more than one contract per year to properly compound.

See the STACKERS SNAPS2.1 system performance record below.  The performance sample is based on following the system entry rules and exit rules.   This performance sample

2013 132
2013 End 129
Total Pips: 2439
40 Total
12 L
28 W
70.00% W%

$1997.  You will gain access to the system in your members area.  Get Started by clicking the Add to Cart button below.